Below is a snapshot comparing the Alameda real estate market from 2012 to 2013
562 properties sold in 2013 compared to 560 properties in 2012.
Whats amazing is the percentage increase in median price of homes even from last year.
The press has been reporting on prices rising, cash offers and all the frenzy around multiple
offers for the last year. I wanted to find out what where the numbers from my MLS came in
for the market specific to Alameda.
Median price means that half sold above and half below this price point.
Median sale price for a single family home in 2013 was $716,000
in 2012 it was $570,000 and increase of 20%
Prices are continuing to rise in large part because of the low inventory and low interest rates
Prices are continuing to rise in large part because of the low inventory and low interest rates
for home mortgages. Of course prices cannot continue to rise indefinitely so as the year progresses
we will see how the price appreciation continues. If interest rates go up this would have an effect
on prices as well.
All information is derived from EBRD MLS data.
Alameda, alameda home sales, alameda real estate, alameda market statistics.