Friday, February 9, 2018

Boring wood Beetles? Or exciting!

This home on my block was listed in sep 2015 for $988k, it sold in October 2015 for 1.321m. It was listed in Dec 7 2017 for 1.299m, it just closed for 1.45m. About 9% over a year for appreciation; our median price appreciation between 2016 & 2017 for a 3 bedroom home in Alameda was 9%. If it's being tented then it had wood boring beetles. It's a wood shingle home so this was smart to protect their investment. Beetles eat hardwood and the only way to kill them is to tent. Termites reside in the ground, come up to eat the softer wood and then go back in the ground. I have ready many many pest inspection reports so helping people understand these reports is integral to my work. #kaakepropertieslivealameda #alainpinelrealtors