Thursday, October 23, 2014

Jackson Park Clean Up day!

SAT NOV 15th at 9am I am sponsoring a clean up Jackson Park day. I walk my dog to Jackson Park prob 3 times a week and am getting sick of seeing how this park is literally trashed. I took these photos over the last 2 days. There are tons of cigarette butts, swisher sweets wrappers, suace packets and all other manner of GARBAGE everywhere. Especially around tables. There is a very nice gentleman caretaker City employee who cleans up most of the egregious stuff but he can't keep up. I will bring bags, gloves and be there to clean up what should be a beautiful park. Also because of some of the unsavory characters who hang around and some of the nefarious things that I have read about going on in the park, directly after the clean up I will teach a basic self defense class. It will be fairly easy and age/gender appropriate for everyone. I have been studying Martial Arts for over 30 years. I hold a Black Belt in Aikido and recently have been taking classes in Krav Maga (Israeli Combat Martial Art favored by the Mossad) so I actually have some skills. Come out and help me TAKE BACK JACKSON PARK! Well clean up a little and have some fun.

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